Friday, December 01, 2006

Tae Kwon Do

My girls had their belt testing this week. It was Kellie's first test & she passed. She is now a white belt. Alexandra is now a blue belt. They both did outstanding. We were so proud of them.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Little Brown Dress

This weekend Kellie said she would wear a dress. I have never heard that statement from her. We were at Old Navy & she said she would wear this dress, & was saying it so excitedly that I bought it (& one for Alexandra). It was only $4.00 so I thought what the heck, I'm not out too much money if they only wear them one time. Tonight she says I want to wear my dress & take pictures. So, of course, I jump at that chance. Here she is, with a dress on, in a few pictures. She really wasn't angry, I told her not to smile on a few.

Alexandra's First Place!

Alexandra was in a Tae Kwon Do World tournament this past weekend. She got 1st place in her age divison for her pattern. We are so proud of her!!!! Here is a few pictures of the tournament. The one of all the white uniforms are all the black belts, & they all weren't lined up yet! There is one of Alexandra doing her pattern, & then her turned around & the judges are scoring her. The guy hugging her is her instructor after she was off the awards podium.
Great job Alexandra!!! We love you!!!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Blowing Bubbles

The kids got to blow bubbles inside all afternoon one day this weekend. They were loving life! Our basement was flooded with sewer & water so we are getting new carpet. We tore up the carpet that was wrecked & they got to play on the remaning part. They even spilled a whole jar of bubbles...who cares!!! Isn't it great being a kid?

Friday, February 24, 2006

Fruit Sculptures

Yesterday the kids were making fruit sculptures on the kitchen table. They were using apples, oranges, & bananas. Geesh, the imagination of a 4 & 5 yr. old! Our oldest was at school so she missed out on all the creativity, ok she did a lot of that in school.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Favorite Blankie

I usually can only get a 'good' picture of him if he has his favorite blankie with him. There he is holding his blankie.

Beautiful Girl

I made a tutu & had her try it on for a couple of pictures. Here is one of the many from the night. Isn't she a cutie pie!


I let the little guy jump on a bed. He was lovin it!!! Here is one of him, I think he was getting ready to go up again. Ahhh, the joys of being a little boy.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

My son broke his collar bone

Yesterday morning my son fell down the stairs & broke his collar bone. This was the first day back to school for the kids. Of course, this couldn't happen during Christmas break! I took him to the dr. and got a X ray. He has a brace that he is to wear for 2 weeks. It doesn't seem kid friendly to me, so I made an appointment in Sioux Falls to see an orthopedic dr. We just want to be sure the treatment we are giving him is sufficient & who knows maybe the have an alternative form of a brace.

As far as Patrick, this is par for the course. He's already broke his arm, had surgery, & fractured a tooth. He's all boy! He is doing fine with this. He's just a little slower now.


My First Blog

Alright, I finally got on the blog. I have read a lot of others blogs, & finally decided this would be a great avenue to share with my friends & family, & also my photography.

Keep checking back for updates.
