Sunday, November 12, 2006

Little Brown Dress

This weekend Kellie said she would wear a dress. I have never heard that statement from her. We were at Old Navy & she said she would wear this dress, & was saying it so excitedly that I bought it (& one for Alexandra). It was only $4.00 so I thought what the heck, I'm not out too much money if they only wear them one time. Tonight she says I want to wear my dress & take pictures. So, of course, I jump at that chance. Here she is, with a dress on, in a few pictures. She really wasn't angry, I told her not to smile on a few.

Alexandra's First Place!

Alexandra was in a Tae Kwon Do World tournament this past weekend. She got 1st place in her age divison for her pattern. We are so proud of her!!!! Here is a few pictures of the tournament. The one of all the white uniforms are all the black belts, & they all weren't lined up yet! There is one of Alexandra doing her pattern, & then her turned around & the judges are scoring her. The guy hugging her is her instructor after she was off the awards podium.
Great job Alexandra!!! We love you!!!