Monday, January 30, 2006

Favorite Blankie

I usually can only get a 'good' picture of him if he has his favorite blankie with him. There he is holding his blankie.

Beautiful Girl

I made a tutu & had her try it on for a couple of pictures. Here is one of the many from the night. Isn't she a cutie pie!


I let the little guy jump on a bed. He was lovin it!!! Here is one of him, I think he was getting ready to go up again. Ahhh, the joys of being a little boy.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

My son broke his collar bone

Yesterday morning my son fell down the stairs & broke his collar bone. This was the first day back to school for the kids. Of course, this couldn't happen during Christmas break! I took him to the dr. and got a X ray. He has a brace that he is to wear for 2 weeks. It doesn't seem kid friendly to me, so I made an appointment in Sioux Falls to see an orthopedic dr. We just want to be sure the treatment we are giving him is sufficient & who knows maybe the have an alternative form of a brace.

As far as Patrick, this is par for the course. He's already broke his arm, had surgery, & fractured a tooth. He's all boy! He is doing fine with this. He's just a little slower now.


My First Blog

Alright, I finally got on the blog. I have read a lot of others blogs, & finally decided this would be a great avenue to share with my friends & family, & also my photography.

Keep checking back for updates.
